Mix Tape Series
Mix Tape Series
Mix Tape Series
Mix Tape Series
Mix Tape Series

Mix Tape Series

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CURRENT OFFERING: Costa Rica Tarrazu Cordillera Del Jaguar
Anaerobic Honey Blend - 8 oz. (Whole Bean Only)

We're so excited to bring this coffee to you, as we feel it is the most approachable super light roast coffee for the traditional medium roast coffee lover. It's not sour, dirty, and doesn't linger too long. It's an easy light roast to have multiple cups back to back. 

It is a unique blend of two different green coffees and two different processing methods. The coffees come from the San Diego mill with a honey processed coffee and is blended with an anerobic process coffee from Luis Campos, Cordillera de Fuego. (more about processing below)

Flavors / Characteristics

big honey sweetness | cinnamon spices | red berry | mild nuttiness | tropical melon like fruit | floral | pleasant brightness when hot | mellow smooth body as it cools | clean | light to medium body | lingering finish 

Roast Level: Super Light

Country Costa Rica
Zone, District Tarrazu
Washing Station San Diego Mill
Producer Luis Campos, Cordillera de Fuego, San Diego Mill
Varietal Caturra, Catuai
Processing Anaerobic & Honey / Mechanical & Patio Drying
Altitude 1200- 1750masl
Harvest Year November - March 2023

If you like variety and exotic flavors, the Mixed Tape Series promises just that.  Keep an eye out on social media and our e-mail list for releases which are planned to happen about once every few months.

With the new addition of our Mill City 2 Kilo roaster, we are able to bring in micro lots of coffees we are excited about, but might not be best suited for the bulk of our customer base.

Don't get us wrong, these are incredible, very premium coffees we will bring in. They will have pronounced tasting notes, and vibrancy like you may have never experienced before.  Typically, they will be of a lighter roast than you have seen from us before.

Light, bright, and full of their natural characteristics of origin.  Very limited offerings, so don't count on it being in stock tomorrow.  8 oz., whole bean only.

More about MTS4 - Costa Rica Tarrazu Cordillera Del Jaguar Anaerobic Honey

This coffee is a pleasure to drink at all temperature ranges, but the lukewarm to cool temperature range brings out a honey nut cheerio sweetness with a layer of cinnamon that's ultimately spectacular. Hot, the coffee is has a very nice brightness to it. As it cools, it becomes very mellow, smooth, and super sweet. This coffee is best prepared in a pourover style with paper filter, hot 208 degree water, with approximately 23g of coffee to 425ml of water.

Additional Information:

Honey Process & Anaerobic Coffee Processing:
This lovingly curated Tarrazu green coffee blends San Diego Honey Process coffee and Anaerobic Process coffee from Cordillera de Fuego.

The Honey processing method started in Costa Rica but has since spread to other countries across the globe. In this process some or all of the mucilage of the coffee cherry – aka coffee honey – that coats the parchment is left on during the drying stage, giving the coffee a sweeter profile than washed coffees.

The Anaerobic process begins with selection of handpicked mature coffee cherries that have a Brix degree (a measurement of sugar content) near 26. Selecting the cherries when they are at their ripest ensures a high sugar content, which helps feed the anaerobic process.

At the mill, the coffee is depulped and put in air-tight, stainless-steel tanks with the mucilage left on. The absence of oxygen stimulates an anaerobic fermentation process. The process develops in a unique series of acids such as lactic and malic, which results in a very complex flavor.


Tasting Room Events

One of the current ways we serve our home town of Topeka, KS includes promoting community and featuring local businesses through our Tasting Room Events we host in our roasting facility.  We pair up a local food provider with lots and lots of our coffee.  Our goal in these events is to bring a large group together to celebrate being together in person, and to enjoy excellent locally produced goods and flavors.  We feel this is something worth investing our time and profits in.  Our world is in desperate need of more face-time with each other and overall support of our local businesses.  Subscribe to our email list to stay up to date on upcoming events.

Community Pour

Community Pour is a pop-up coffee experience we facilitate at our retail partner coffee-shop locations.  100% of proceeds will go toward a local charity chosen by our hosting shop.  Our menu will consist of one non-customizable drink presentation, featuring extreme quality ingredients to create a unique one of a kind tasting experience.  We will share flavors that may not make sense to offer on a regular menu, but just scream “try me”!  Quality at its finest, showcasing local ingredient providers when possible, and the skills of the barista.  Balanced flavors that aren’t masked by the overuse of sweeteners.  All drinks will be served “dine-in” in ceramic or glass vessels to be enjoyed on premises.  Meeting, greeting and deep conversations are highly encouraged!  For upcoming dates and places, keep an eye on our social platforms or be subscribed to our email list.

Trash Mountain Project:  A Meal For Every Bag Program

Trash Mountain Project exists to develop Christ-centered environments for children and families living in trash dump communities worldwide.  When you purchase a bag of Blue Jazz Coffee from anywhere, you are also paying for a meal for a child in need at a trash dump community.  To date, we have been able to provide over 170,000 meals through the program.

Dialogue Coffee House is a business that is creating change in everyday pace of life in a diverse culture, celebrating individuals of ALL abilities.  Beyond our coffee roasting duties, we have been blessed to consult and help implement the best possible equipment package to equip their staff for excellence, while allowing more inclusive participation.  Dialogue has expanded from one location in early 2023, to four locations currently.  We celebrate their mission and continued growth!



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